Sunday, November 9, 2014

KLSE 2014 Nov10-Nov14 w46 Stocks Focus

Before sharing for  this week's stocks focus, I would like to say KLCI is diverting from DJIA. KLCI has turned down for the last week at 1858 while DJIA just reach an all time high. This divergence could be due to KLCI is fundamentally weaker than DJIA. Long term outlook does not look great.

This week's stock focus:
                       Return  Entry  Profit Target Stop Loss  Strategy
NIHSIN           17%     0.50     0.585           0.425         Bounce off MA
BORNOIL       6.2%    0.90     0.955           0.826         Flag breakout
SCICOM         6.3%     2.05    2.18              1.89          Resistance breakout

NIHSIN- Enter only it breakout from 0.50 with high volume.
BORNOIL- Enter if flag breakout from 0.890.
The riskiest among these 3 stocks, SCICOM finally breakout form strong resistance of 2.04 on Friday.

You can continue to hold winners such as IFCAMSC, MYEG and also SKPRES-WA. Happy trading!

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