Sunday, September 28, 2014

KLSE 2014 Sep29-Oct3 w40 Stocks Focus

This week's stock focus:
                   Entry     Profit Target Stop Loss  Strategy
SCICOM     1.93      2.23               1.77          Ascending Triangle
SYCAL       0.47      0.505             0.435        Flag
KSSC          0.72      0.795             0.675        Flag
BJCORP      0.56      0.62              0.535        Flag

It may take a few weeks for SCICOM to reach profit target, pending on broad market condition

The ideal entry timing for BJCORP will be on Tuesday or Wednesday, after 1-2 days of low volume consolidation, forming a flag pattern before the stock can continue to trend upwards.

KLSE chart show signs of downtrend, caution is required for next week's trading. All the best and Happy Trading!

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